2009-April  Frankfurt  EPIA Invited talk

SP2 test: Experimental Set-up

SP2: submerged system

2011 Hamburg

Floating Tracking Cooling Concentrating (FTCC) system

The floating technology has been described together with the project of Colignola basin.

2012- Austin (Texas)

Results about text on the Colignola (Pisa) demostrator of 30 kWp are presented.  Tracking and reflectors methodologies are discussed. Parabolic concentrating system are suggested. Results about Colignola test were presented.

2012-WEW  (China) 

2013-Florence- INFN 

This workshop was organized by the physics department and the application of floating PV technology was applied to waste water basins.

2014-Rome- Rotary-INFN

The submerged and floating technology are extended to the Thermal Electric Solar panel integration (TESPI Project).


Two storage methodologies are presented: DOGES(Deep Ocean Gravity Energy Storage) and ICAES(Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage)


Integration of floating technology to existing structures are presented.

RAST: Round about solar tracking. Patented

Sumbmerged PV modules in a swimming pool

2017 - CROAZIA-Splitech

Geographic potential of floating plants is discussed. Two example are given in figure below.

Floating PV plant on an atollum

Floating plant on a waste water plant (Australia)

2017 - Singapore Oct 24 International Floating Solar Symposium (IFSS)

Joint Sessions with Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES)

Comparison of the two Koiné basic structure:
normal raft and gable structure

Geographic potential.
Covering only 1% of the existing fresh water surfaces
can supply 25% of the worldwide electric energy demand